We got a light dusting of snow yesterday morning so the LOML, our two daughters, and I took a short and very chilly walk on the path behind our house.

The view from our kitchen to our backyard and deck.

Our front yard. A brave driver is on the road. The roads were very icy.

Our house.

The first of many snowballs being thrown! By the end of our walk Daughter #2’s black jacket was practically all white!!

The walkway that leads to the greenway. You can see there have been other brave souls to walk this path before us.

This is a bridge where the snow had to melted at all. I had a little lesson with my daughters of why the snow was melting on the path but not on the bridge.

I can’t believe that my 13 year old daughter is taller than me!

There’s a creek that runs all through the greenway. During the rainy season is can flood the walkway.

My leopard print loving daughter.

This drainage pond is usually filled with turtles, fish, geese, and lots of different birds. Today, only a family of geese was enjoying what probably was very cold water.

A selfie!

I always love a picture with a fence.

Daughter #2 picked up a snowball and whipped it at Daughter #1’s face. There was pay back!!

I can’t put into words how much I love these two beautiful girls!!

This is a horse farm behind our house. The white fence and the pond always make a beautiful back drop for any picture.

As we were walking, the temperatures were getting colder and colder. The low expected tonight is zero!! The soft, fluffy snow that we were walking in is going to be pure ice tomorrow!

Did y’all get any snow?

Love y’all,


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