A FAMILY ROOM DISASTER! ~ but all the lights work!

Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own home??


My family room looks like a tornado ran through it, picked everything up, then spit it back into my family room. AAAHHHHH!! What really came through was Charlie, the electrician from CJS Electric Company here in Raleigh, NC. We hired him to put a few special touches into our family room makeover. He is great! All my high maintenance ideas, he has bent over backwards to make happen. 


Here is the UGLY!


I'm getting ready to paint all the cabinet doors that will be part of the wall of built-in bookcases.


We had to pull all the cabinets away from the wall so Charlie could add outlets at the desk area in the middle of the built-ins and move the cable for the new 46' television that will go into the corner.


He also added an extra switch for an outlet he put into the wood floors under the couch to hide all the cords from lights and my laptop.


Here is the hole Charlie drilled into the wood floors for the extra outlet. The couch will go right on top so you won't be able to see the outlet. 


These two outlets are for the sconces I showed you here.


They will flank the new fireplace mantle. We're still planning to close the tv niche at some point!!


There was lots of drywall and dust!

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The new outlets for the computer desk.


I'm very excited to see all the work being done in the family room. I'm in the process of painting the cabinet doors. The sconces will be hung Friday when Charlie comes back to finish the loose ends. He got a lot of work done today but I think I talked too much so he'll finish up Friday. 


Hope y'all are enjoying your week!




Love y'all,


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