PAINTING BOTTLES ~ and finding Joy

PicMonkey Collagebottlesa

I found another pretty craft for the holidays on Pinterest.



It’s so pretty isn’t it?

Plan #1 ~ Paint the bottles white.

Stencil the word “Joy” in green.

Find sticks and paint them glitter green.

The example used wine bottles but the only bottles we use in this house are cooking sherry bottles.


I removed the labels and used Goo Gone to remove any sticky residue left behind.

I spray painted with three coats of white paint.


While I was painting, I sent my two daughters out to the woods to find some sticks.

I spray painted the sticks green and my daughters quickly sprinkled green glitter on the wet paint. It didn’t work out well. It would have taken about 3 zillion bottles of glitter!!

Plan #2 ~ I went to AC Moore and bought glitter paint. The only color they had was red so I went over to the scrapbooking section to look for large letters, preferrably red. JACKPOT!! Pretty glittery large red letters for the word JOY.

I went home and spray painted the sticks again with the red glitter paint. Little did I know glitter paint is just glitter. There’s no paint. It wasn’t covering the green at all.

Plan #3 ~ I painted the sticks white and found red ornaments from around the house.

And the end result…….


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The plans I see in my head rarely end up the way they start out. This project is a perfect example of that.

I still love it. I’m enjoying decorating the house for my favorite holiday.


Can’t wait to share all the decorations when I’m done.

Thanks for visiting!


Love y’all,


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