Hello Everyone!

I can’t believe Fourth of July is almost here already. Summer is just flying by. My girls are in year round school which means their school year starts July 7th so our summer is almost over. (Sad face)

Our family accomplished a lot this past weekend. 

We got some much needed yard work done ~ mowed the lawn, trimmed the hedges, weeded. Our yard looks great!

We organized some trouble areas in our house. Do you have any places in your house that are magnets to all the junk that enters your house? Well, we cleaned all our places out. Lots went out into the garbage can!

We also got a little work done in the boys bathroom. We’re building a cabinet between the two vanity sinks. We did a lot of math and cutting and recutting and screwing up and running to Lowes to get more wood. I can’t wait to share all the details once the bathroom is completed! You can read all about our plans for the boys bathroom here.

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I finally got around to decorating the mantel for July 4th.

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I bought the banner and the America ~ God shed His Grace on thee sign at Hobby Lobby.


I had red, white and blue candles. The candle holders are from IKEA.


I just covered our family photos with red, white and blue construction paper.


The beautiful planter was a gift from some dear friends and the lantern is from HomeGoods.

What are your plans for July 4th?

We’re spending time with family and maybe lighting a sparkler or two!

We live in the greatest country in the world. I’m so thankful to be an American!!


Love y’all,


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