TV NICHE ~ how to get rid of it?

I apologize for my absence from blogland recently. My computer was on the fritz so we brought it into the shop so I was computer-less for a few days. I'm also trying to learn WordPress and have I ever told you how computer illiterate I am? What would take all you smart people a few minutes to learn is taking me a week. Please be patient with me while I figure all this out. Please keep coming back and checking in with me. 



When we were having our house built, a feature that our builder offered and  I really wanted was a tv niche above the fireplace. I loved the idea of freeing up floor space and being able to hide the tv, DVR, VCR, etc. behind closed doors.


(Yes, that's Tony DiNozzo from NCIS on the tv!!! I love him!!)




In a perfect world, my plan would have worked


The doors are NEVER closed, there are always wires and cords hanging out of the niche, and it collects pounds of dust!


I also miss having a mantle. I love seeing all the beautifully decorated mantels all through blogland and yes, I'm very jealous! Not in a "I wish you didn't have a mantle" way but in a "I want to copy you" way. wink


So, our next project will be to add a mantel to our mantle-less fireplace, fill in the niche and close it up so we can hang a flatscreen tv.

Source: decorpad

I like the idea of framing the tv so it looks like a picture. Cool!!

Source: remodelaholic

I love the cabinets on each side of the fireplace.

Source: One Kings Lane

And maybe add some pretty sconces.

We have black slate surrounding the fireplace. I want to add some color. I found these beautiful tiles at Lowe's.


Source: Lowe's


I'm excited to start our new project. 


Please come back and check out our progress as often as you'd like. I've missed y'all!!!


I want to wish each of you a very happy Easter holiday. Being a Christian, this is the most important holiday for us as we remember what Christ's purpose was when he came to earth as a baby at Christmastime. He lived a perfect life to be hung on a cross to die, then three days later to be raised from the dead. He took our place so that we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven. I am humbled and so thankful for what He did for me. 



Love y’all,


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