I have been trying to fill the two kitchen walls around the back door to our deck since I redid the kitchen a few years ago!

I've tried a couple of things with no success. I was almost going to quit. Since we're expecting company to come visit this week I thought I'd give it another try. That is always the push I need to finish projects that I've been procrastinating with.

The final (and successful) project went like this:

1) Finding small pieces of thin wood that I can Mod Podge fun pictures of my kids eating to. I found 5×6 pieces of wood at AC Moore.

2) Printing out the pictures in the exact size. I wanted to use funny pictures of all my kids eating since the pictures are going in the kitchen.



3) Mod Podging the boards, placing the pictures on the boards, pushing out all the air bubbles, and applying a thin layer of Mod Podge over the picture.


4) Using old pieces of tongue and groove plank from our plank wall above the family room fireplace. Cutting it the right size for three pictures.


5) Add small pieces of wood on the back to secure the pieces together.


6) Lightly sanding.

7) Painting each set of boards with a light coat of white paint.


8) Taping off the center piece of plank to paint the two outside planks apple green.


9) Mixing apple green paint that we used to paint the kitchen chairs with white paint.

10) Painting the outside planks with the apple green/white mixture.


11) Removing tape and letting dry.

12) Velcroing pictures to the planks. I used Velcro so I can change the pictures whenever I feel led.

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I love how they turned out! I'm not sure why the pictures make them look yellow. It really is a pretty light apple green color.

I want to apologize for the mess in my dining room (alias craft room). I couldn't crop the pictures enough to hide the complete chaos!!

The handyman is coming tonight to hang my laundry room door. I can't wait to share the pictures with you tomorrow!!

Hope you're enjoying your week!


Love ya,







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