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Thank you for visiting my Christmas home tour. It's been fun decorating and decluttering so you don't see what my house usually looks like 😉


We change our outside decorations every year. I'm not sure if I'm trying to improve it or I just get bored with last year's decorations. I should just find something that I love and stick with it. But instead I put the pressure on myself of coming up with new and improved ideas. At least I hope they're improved 😉

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As you come into our house, the staircase greets you. I'm looking forward to the day when I can tear the carpet up and replace it with hardwoods. And of course, there is always traffic going up or coming down. This is Son #3 just home from college. Love seeing his face!! Even if he's not smiling!

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The hallway table has our very first Christmas tree we bought when we moved up to North Carolina twenty years ago. We lived in an apartment and there was no room for a full-sized Christmas tree so we bought this cute little thing. The picture reminds us of our trip to Hawaii last June. Best vacation EVER!! 


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The Meaning of Christmas ~ Jesus


The family room is definitely the most used room in the house so we put our Christmas tree in the corner. Our Christmas tree is by far my favorite thing to decorate. As I put up each ornament, the memory behind it floods my brain. Each craft, each vacation, each child's first Christmas, each family picture puts a smile on my face. We have a tradition of buying a special ornament for each of the kids that represents their year. With six kids, the oldest being 24,  you do the math. That's a lot of ornaments!!! And each one holds a wonderful memory. And I get the honor of being reminded every year when I decorate the Christmas tree.


Some of my favorite ornaments. I'm smiling just looking at them!!

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This is the second time I got to decorate our new mantle and I loved doing it!!! The red candles and candlesticks are new from Hobby Lobby as is the cute sign. 

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The "Be Merry" sign I made on the back of the "Thankful" sign I hung for my fall decorations. 

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The kitchen is the second most used room so getting these pictures was very hectic. How it looks in the pictures lasts about 2 minutes. Then it's gone forever!!



The table is set for Christmas breakfast (wink, wink). 

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The open shelves are always fun to decorate. Our elf on a shelf is just laying around doing nothing!




We have a little hot chocolate corner for the kids.




I just put a few pretty apple green Christmas decorations in our small guest bathroom.

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The formal dining room is so fun to decorate. Blue is my favorite color so I have to have at least one blue room in my home. We will eat Christmas dinner in this room and this is exactly what it will look like. In a couple of weeks, there will be a lot of yummy food on the table, family will be talking, laughing and eating. I can't wait!!

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A couple of years ago, we bought our girls Christmas trees for their bedrooms. Daughter #1's tree is fuschia like her room.

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See the little pink butterfly? We had to stay with the theme of the room and her room is the big tree mural with little butterflies on the branches. 




Daughter #2's tree is purple and decorated with peacocks just like her peacock bedroom. I sent both girls up to their rooms with their trees. They could decorate however they wanted. Daughter #2 took peacock feathers that she had in her room and stuck them in the back of her tree. Is there a decorator in the family??

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Daughter #2 has always loved peacocks. Well, last year she started liking animal print, too. I'm not doing an animal print room but I thought I'd put a little touch of it in her room to make her smile. I bought the bow at Hobby Lobby.

Thank you again for visiting. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Let me know what you think. I always love hearing from you. 

And if you're planning on moving to New York City or know of anyone who is planning on a move, there's a great resource called Urban Compass. They provide their expertise and deep knowledge of the New York City sales and rental market to help you find a home you love.


Linking up to Jennifer Rizzo's Holiday House Walk 2014 Linky Party



Love y'all,


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