People always ask me how I keep track of my life with six kids running around. I’m not sure if you care but I’ll share a few of my tips anyways. I go through stages of organization. When I’m feeling like I’m drowning in all the school work that comes home and the papers I’m supposed to fill out and send back,  Mama is not pretty. When I’m not happy, ain’t nobody happy. So my goal is to be organized and pretty all at the same time!!
Lillian Vernon is a great place to buy organization tools. I’ve bought many items and been happy with all of them.
Picture of paper drawer
Each of my kids has a drawer. When I clean out their Friday Folders, I take what I want to keep and place them in their drawer. At the end of the school year, I put all their papers in their class picture envelope that I get at the beginning of the year. I label it with  the  their name and year and place it in a bin that all my kids have at the foot of their bed. In the bin, you’ll find everything I want to save for them~the outfit they wore when they came home from the hospital, favorite pictures, trophies, awards, special birthday cards.
Picture of bin
Picture of bill holder
When I get a bill in the mail, I check to see when it’s due, and put it in the slot 7 days before. That way I’m not paying all the bills at the same time and it’s always a week early. COOL!!
Baskets from Target for shoes


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