In EVERY project we have ever done, there's always something that doesn't work out exactly the way we planned. 

The built-in bookcase in our family room is no exception. 

I am the idea man (or woman) and the LOML is the how-to man (and he really is a man!). 

The thought and work he has put into this project is absolutely amazing! 

We've never built anything before so this is brand new for us. We learn with each new section we complete.

Y'all would be very impressed seeing us cut the dado cuts into each shelf. We have a system that runs as smooth as honey!!

This week we worked on the two sections that will make up the bridge of bookcases over the desk.



We made each box separate with two shelves each with dado cuts (that's 8 more added to our 48 previous ones). After we measured VERY carefully, we cut all the boards, shelves, and dado cuts. We put the boxes together but not permanently until we put them in place to see if they fit.  Son #3 and the LOML each held a box, stood on the butcherblock desk and tried inserting each box at every plausible angle. They ended up starting at the desk and against the wall. They both slid their box up until they almost reached the ceiling. It was about 1/16" too wide. They banged and banged but it wouldn't budge. There was a lot of creaking and complaining coming out of the other bookcases. 

 The LOML got out the sander and sanded away in the spots that were a little too tight.

We used this baby!

It's a Black and Decker palm sander. We've used it for almost every project we've ever done with wood. The most amazing job was the kitchen table. It took off the polyurethane and stain easily.

 The LOML also figured out to undo the screws on the cases next to the bridge  to have a little bit more give.


A bunch more banging and creaking

and the bridge is up!!!!!!!!



We glued and screwed the shelves in. We then screwed the bridge into the bookcase next to it. To quote the LOML,

"It ain't going nowhere!"

Now, everything is attached and painted. 

The next step…we're closing the top shelf (that's why it's not painted) and attaching lighting.

Remember the sconces we hung around the fireplace?


We bought four of the smaller version of the same lights  which we'll put


I can't wait to share the next step in





Hope y'all are enjoying your week. Come back soon!



Love y'all,



  1. I know this is from a year ago but I just stumbled on it now.  This is great!  But how did you attach the bookshelves to the wall? 

    • Hey Catherine~Thank you very much for reading my bookcase post. They are attached to the side walls on each end and attached to the ceiling. Hope that helps. Enjoy your day! ~Linda

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